Kissing The Snow

snow people
I live in a tropical country . I love to do outdoor activities such as hiking, diving and others when traveling . Snowboarding has been on my list and Japan is the nearest country that has snow season. On December 2014, i decided to try my first Slope in Niseko Hokkaido Japan. I rent my snowboarding gear at Rhythm Niseko, they have an extensive range of snowboard rental ensures that you have the right gear to suit the snow condition and your ability level. 

I try to snowboarding by myself with some helps from my friend and learn how to do it from youtube. It’s quite frustrating of course, but after all day trying and maybe look like an idiot on snow, finally i can do my first slope. I suggest to use snowboarding courses that they provide at the resort for your first time. 

frustating selfie
kissing the snow many times
going up
first slope

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